Mobile Punishing System: "BUNNY" Has Begun Its Mission!

"It's like you played Deathsmiles and decided the problem was that it didn't suck"

Submission to Bullet Hell Jam 2023

A challenging bullet hell platformer with a homing attack system. Play as the rabbit mech BUNNY and do your best to survive to the end!

How To Play:

Lock On To Enemies With Your Targeting Reticle!

The Targeting Reticle always floats a fixed distance in front of BUNNY. You can shift it slightly with the arrow keys to aim more precisely. Simply move the reticle over an enemy to lock on and BUNNY will do the rest! You can only be locked on to a few enemies at a time so make sure you prioritize well.

Graze Enemy Bullets To Counterattack!

BUNNY can only fire after stealing energy from enemy bullets. When you keep projectiles in your Graze Ring for a short time you will drain their energy and fill up your Graze Points Meter! Your meter will slowly decrease as you spend it to fire Homing Shots at locked on enemies.

Use the Limit Break to Score Big!

The Limit Break is a unique scoring system where you can spend a full graze point meter while at maximum multiplier to cancel bullets and destroy nearby enemies, permanently increasing your maximum multiplier by one each time! Limit Breaking also cashes in your current Chain for score based on your Multiplier! Keep your Chain going and max out your Multiplier so you can use Limit Break in a tough spot or to clear enemies faster.


  • Use the left and right arrow keys to pilot BUNNY
  • Use the up and down arrow keys to aim your Targeting Reticle
  • Press and hold the Z key to lift off and ascend!
  • Press and hold the Shift key to Hover, slowing your descent
  • Press the Shift key on the ground to Dash! Useful for high speed dodging you can't do in the air
  • Press the X key to turn around and face the opposite direction
  • Press Spacebar to Limit Break!


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